Press Releases

Rep. Luetkemeyer, Sen. Schmitt Introduce Bills to Block Funding for UN’s Corrupt Climate Organizations

Today, Congressman Luetkemeyer (MO-3) introduced the No Tax Dollars for the United Nations Climate Agenda Act. This legislation would prohibit President Biden from sending more U.S. tax dollars to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which advise governments around the world on climate change. Sen. Eric Schmitt (MO) introduced a companion bill in the Senate.

Since their inception, the IPCC, UNFCCC, and GCF have mismanaged funds, fabricated data, and failed to initiate effective projects. In one instance, the GCF neglected its due diligence responsibilities and greenlit a project in Nicaragua despite severe human rights concerns.

“American taxpayers should not have to foot the bill for an organization that has no proven track record of success, often engages in skeptical science, and over which we have very little control. I encourage my colleagues to support this effort and prevent the use of federal tax dollars to fund corruption and a radical climate-change agenda,” Rep. Luetkemeyer said.  

“We cannot allow Biden to continue throwing billions of taxpayer dollars towards a useless fund that purports to solve climate change in developing countries, but is actually sending billions to countries like China. Biden’s radical climate agenda is not just virtue signaling anymore, it’s now coming to fruition by allocating Americans’ hard-earned money to a UN fund that will neither help nor solve anything. There is absolutely no reason that taxpayer money should go into a climate alarmism slush fund that doles out money to our greatest adversary. Enough is enough,” Sen. Schmitt said.

Just last week the Biden administration pledged an additional $3 billion to the GFC while attending the COP28 climate summit. The president previously pledged $1 billion in April 2023. President Obama pledged $3 billion to the same organization.

Meanwhile, the world's number one CO2 emitter, China, has enjoyed a free pass to pollute recklessly, undermine U.S. businesses, and cheerfully watch us bleed money into mismanaged efforts.

Rep. Luetkemeyer believes taxpayers deserve accountability in exchange for funding, and the organizations listed in the No Tax Dollars for the United Nations Climate Agenda Act have failed to produce a reasonable return on investment.

Read the full bill HERE.