Press Releases

Luetkemeyer Responds to the Motion to Vacate the House Speakership

Today, Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-3) released the following statement in response to the motion to vacate the House Speakership.

“Last week, 198 Republicans voted for a bill to cut non-defense spending by 30% and implement the toughest border security policy in our nation’s history. A small group within our party teamed up with every House Democrat to block it. Today, some of the same ‘Republicans’ again joined Democrats to remove Speaker McCarthy from his post. Because of their actions, the investigations of President Biden and his family have stopped. So has the appropriations process they claim to support,” Rep. Luetkemeyer said. “When you regularly vote with Democrats to block spending cuts, harm border security, and protect President Biden from investigations, you’re not a Republican. This is not about the national debt – they blocked spending cuts. It’s not about border security – they blocked that too. This is about their desire for attention and effort to raise money for their next campaign, as well as protection for the Biden family.”