
Blaine's Bulletin- Protecting Your Freedoms

Freedom has a different meaning for everyone. For some it’s knowing they have the freedom to speak what’s on their mind. For others, it’s knowing they have the right to bear arms. With the Fourth of July just days behind us and with the recent ruling the Supreme Court made regarding religious freedom – freedom has certainly been on my mind lately.

Freedom has a different meaning for everyone. For some it’s knowing they have the freedom to speak what’s on their mind. For others, it’s knowing they have the right to bear arms. With the Fourth of July just days behind us and with the recent ruling the Supreme Court made regarding religious freedom – freedom has certainly been on my mind lately.

Last week, the Supreme Court made its final ruling on the Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores case. This case is one I have been following since it made its way to the high court because of religious freedom. In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court overturned a 2013 Department of Health and Human Services that was issued as part of the president’s health-care law, which would require employers to provide coverage for services to which they object on moral or religious grounds.

This landmark decision is a huge victory for religious freedom in our great country. The highest court in the land recognized that Americans families running closely-held family businesses will not lose their constitutional rights.

Since I’ve been in Congress, I have fought hard to maintain your freedoms. I am proud to have sponsored legislation on this very subject, the Religious Liberty Protection Act, which would reaffirm the same rights upheld by the Supreme Court. My legislation would block the Department of Health and Human Services from forcing employers and health insurers to provide coverage for services with which they have moral or religious objections.

During a time when regulations are raining down on small businesses and jobs are hard to come by, this certainty that Americans’ most basic rights – our rights of conscience and religious freedom will continue to be protected – is incredibly encouraging.

As a proud husband, father, grandfather and elected representative, I will continue to fight for your freedoms in Congress. Our Founding Fathers created a system of government in which we must sometimes compromise on issues, but never compromise on the values and principles of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. While the Supreme Court thankfully stepped in and put a check on the runaway rules and regulations of the executive branch in this instance, my efforts in Congress to hold this administration accountable will not tire.