
Blaine's Bulletin-Marching for Life

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I have always been a firm believer that the gift of life is an inherent right bestowed on each and every human being and that we must do all what we can as a society to protect the rights of the unborn. As a father and grandfather, I take the protection of those who cannot protect themselves seriously.

Blaine's Bulletin: An American Christmas

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As we prepare for Christmas, many of us return to traditions as a way to celebrate the season. Christmas in America is a unique experience and over the centuries our nation has created many unique traditions. But as a student of our nation’s history, I recently came across some research that indicates that the first Christmas celebrated in the New World was observed in what many would deem an odd place.

Luetkemeyer Votes to Support Legislation Restricting Late-Term Abortions

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As a dedicated supporter of life who was horrified by the details of convicted murderer and Philadeplia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell’s killing of infants, U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-3) today voted in favor of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act that bans abortions more than 20 weeks into pregnancy and issued the following statement:

Luetkemeyer Column- Principles of Faith

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Recently we observed a National Day of Prayer and I was asked to speak at a gathering that day. My staff thought it would be of interest to many of you if our weekly column would be excerpts from the speech. Hope you enjoy it.

Luetkemeyer Co-Sponsors Bill Backing Health Care Conscience Protections Including Abortion

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U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-3) announced that he is co-sponsoring legislation stipulating that nothing in Obamacare can be construed to authorize a health plan provider or sponsor to provide, participate in or refer for a specific item or service contrary to the provider’s or sponsor’s religious beliefs or moral convictions including abortions.

Luetkemeyer Column- Protecting the Gift of Life

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Last week I had the opportunity to meet with the dedicated parents, teachers, students, and clergy who braved the January winter and made their way to Washington, D.C. to participate in a walk that is especially important to me: the March for Life.

Luetkemeyer Introduces Bill Defending Religious Freedom Against Government Mandates

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Seeking to safeguard the conscience rights of all Americans, U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9) today introduced the Religious Liberty Protection Act, legislation that would prohibit the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from forcing employers with religious objections to provide coverage of sterilization or contraceptive services.