
Blaine’s Bulletin – Retire Biden’s Inflation

Whether you were helping your parents on the family farm, dreaming of carrying on the family tradition one day or bagging groceries at the local supermarket, I’m sure we can all think back to our first job. The long hours and hard work and the eventual transition into what we chose as our career. Retirement often felt like a distant concept during our youth, as we diligently saved money for our future. As some of us near retirement like me, you cultivate big plans with your family, for some its relocation or maybe just a slower pace of life than what you’ve been used to over the last 20+ years. For me, I’m looking forward to spending this chapter of my life with my wife Jackie, our children, and grandchildren right here in Missouri.

The Biden Administration has changed the outlook of retirement for millions of current and future retirees. In 2024, the ‘average’ person would need around $1.46 million dollars to retire comfortably. Farmers, trucker drivers, retail workers, fisherman, and factoryworkers (the list could go on) make up our working class in America. With Bidenonmics causing outrageous inflation rates and skyrocketing the price of living by $11,400 per year, how are people supposed to take their hard-earned money and invest it into their retirement or even consider retiring when the cost of living has forced them to live paycheck to paycheck?

Not only has Biden made it increasingly difficult for Americans to live their daily lives but he’s robbing them of the opportunity to enjoy or even obtain retirement; an experience every hard-working American deserves. While there are many other factors that contribute to one’s ability to retire, Bidens failed liberal agenda and poor fiscal planning sure contribute to the likelihood one may need to adjust or reevaluate their retirement plans. Inflation has a direct impact on revenue, savings, and spending of all consumers, including potential and current retirees. The entire economy is impacted by inflation and so are interest rates, rent rates, and insurance premiums. The compounding effects of inflation do not stop there, think of it as a trickle-down effect. The higher the cost of consumption, the quicker savings are depleted and if you’re on a fixed income as many retirees are, it forces you to go back to work or get a part-time job to remain afloat.

Enough is enough, everyone should be able to strive for and reach the day they can turn in their boots, badge, or tractor key. The ‘average’ American deserves below average inflation rates. Saying that sounds ridiculous but it’s the reality that Biden has created for so many Americans in 2024.  You should not have to choose between medicine and groceries or paying rent and feeding your family, especially after decades of contributing to the American economy.

CONTACT US: I encourage you to visit my official website or call my offices in Jefferson City (573-635-7232) or Cottleville (636-327-7055) with your questions and concerns. If you want even greater access to what I am working on, please visit my YouTube siteFacebook page, and keep up-to-date with Twitter and Instagram.
