
Blaine's Bulletin: American Health Care Act

“Since the Affordable Care Act was passed, my wife and I have seen two major effects on our health insurance. Premiums have gone up sharply, they are now doubled what they were half a decade ago. Worse than that, our deductibles have gone up sharply.” – Stephen, Osage Beach.

“Since the Affordable Care Act was passed, my wife and I have seen two major effects on our health insurance. Premiums have gone up sharply, they are now doubled what they were half a decade ago. Worse than that, our deductibles have gone up sharply.” – Stephen, Osage Beach.

The above statement from an individual in the 3rd District is just one example of the countless stories I have heard about how Obamacare has drastically impacted Americans. These stories have not fallen on deaf ears. My colleagues and I have heard from individuals, families, doctors, and small businesses to craft a replacement that will empower you, not Washington. Over the last several years, House Republicans have continued to make a promise and that is that we will not only repeal Obamacare but we will also replace it with conservative solutions that put families, doctors, and states back in charge.

Obamacare is failing, so I agree with President Trump that the American Health Care Act is a critical first step in saving our country’s health-care system. This legislation will go through as a budget reconciliation bill, which means that a minority of Senators cannot obstruct and block its consideration and passage. Next, Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price will take administrative action which will stabilize the health insurance market, increase choices, and lower costs. Lastly, Congress will advance additional legislative policies, such as allowing individuals to purchase coverage across state lines, that cannot be included in a reconciliation bill.

So, what is in this bill? I encourage everyone to go to On that website, you can find the full text of the legislation. We want everyone to have access to the American Health Care Act so you know what is in it and there are not any secrets.

First and foremost, the American Health Care Act preserves many important protections for patients and their families while making common-sense reforms to provide patients flexibility and reduced costs. This bill ensures coverage for pre-existing conditions, allows young adults to remain on their parents insurance to age 26, keeps the Medicare Part D donut hole closed, blocks federal funds from going to Planned Parenthood, and provides tax relief by getting rid of Obamacare’s worst taxes and ending the individual mandate.

The plan provides Americans access to a portable, monthly tax credit that can be used to buy a health insurance plan that is right for them – not one tied to a government mandated program. It nearly doubles the amount of money people can contribute to Health Savings Accounts and make these accounts more flexible so individuals can use it to purchase things they really need – like over-the-counter medications.

In addition, the American Health Care Act returns power to the states with the biggest entitlement reform in a generation. For the states across the country that expanded Medicaid, this bill phases out the expansion and puts the program on a budget, ending its open-ended funding and showing that entitlements can be reformed and made solvent for future generations. Missouri did not expand Medicaid, so Missourians who qualify for Medicaid will not be impacted.

In the weeks ahead, House Republicans and Congress will consider this plan through an open and transparent process. I have been to many meetings and briefings regarding the American Health Care Act and those will continue as the process moves along. I will continue to keep you informed of what is happening in Congress and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my offices so they can provide additional information.