Press Releases

House Passes Long-Term Highway Bill to Provide Certainty to States and Local Governments

U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-03) issued the following statement after the House of Representatives passed a long-term highway bill:

U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-03) issued the following statement after the House of Representatives passed a long-term highway bill:

“The passage of today’s highway bill is a move toward the first long-term highway bill in more than a decade and sets the stage to provide certainty and flexibility for states and local governments to invest in transportation infrastructure, and needed reforms to federal  permitting requirements. In addition, this bill eliminates duplicative regulatory processes and offices within the Department of Transportation. With over 200 amendments offered to this legislation, Congress was able to work in a bipartisan way, through regular order, to get this bill passed in the House.”

Two bills that Luetkemeyer authored, H.R. 432, the SBIC Advisers Relief Act and H.R. 601, the Eliminate Privacy Notice Confusion Act were included as amendments in the House-passed transportation bill. H.R. 432 would amend the Investment Advisers Act to reduce unnecessary regulatory costs and eliminate duplicative regulation of advisers to SBICs. H.R. 601 would reduce confusion among consumers by clarifying that they will receive privacy notices after opening a new account when their financial institution’s privacy policies change rather than an annual notice. Both pieces of legislation had already passed unanimously in the House earlier this year.