Press Releases

Luetkemeyer, House Financial Services Committee Hold Hearings Focused on the Future of HUD

U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-03) issued the following release following this week’s hearings focused on the future of housing in America:

U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-03) issued the following release following this week’s hearings focused on the future of housing in America:

On Wednesday, October 21, Luetkemeyer convened a hearing in his Housing and Insurance Subcommittee. The hearing entitled “The Future of Housing in America: Federal Housing Reforms that Create Housing Opportunity” focused on steps that can be taken to reduce regulatory burdens and offer greater flexibility and choice in the housing system. Luetkemeyer’s legislation H.R. 3700, the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act, was one focus of the hearing.

“This week’s subcommittee hearing provided a great opportunity for both members on the subcommittee and leaders in housing advocacy and industry to express their priorities in housing reform. My legislation, the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act, is a bipartisan bill that that makes targeted reforms at HUD and the Rural Housing Service. I look forward to continuing to work with advocates and Members on both sides of the aisle in taking legislative steps to reform our housing system.”

In addition, earlier today the House Financial Services Committee held a hearing entitled “The Future of Housing in America: 50 Years of HUD and its impact on Federal Housing Policy.”

“Today’s hearing was an important one.  HUD’s programs and policies are in need of an overhaul, and should turn its focus on reducing red tape instead of creating it. I thank Chairman Hensarling for his commitment to exploring this serious subject so that we can improve opportunity for and accessibility of affordable housing across the nation.”